Low Carb Diet Part 02
Obesity Today’s statistics have shown that 30% of U.S. adults are obese, and another 35% are overweight; 15% of children weigh too much. Diseases of obesity, such as Type 2 (“adult-onset”) diabetes, now are appearing in children. Obesity is also the main cause of many other diseases such as heart problems and hypertension. Each year in the U.S., an estimated number of 300,000 people die of obesity-related diseases. Low carb diet remain one of the best option to help you lose weight. Reason for Overweight and Obesity 1) Overeating – Many experts believe that big appetite is a natural reminder of the not-too-distant past (in anthropological term) when food was hard to come by. Thus when we found food, we ate all we could as insurance against starvation. The excess was stored in the body as fat. Today, foods are in abundance in the U.S. Our biological nature and market forces encourage us to overeat and thus this leads us to obesity. 2) Sedentary lifestyle : although it’s more common to s...